2017-2021 Comparison Graph

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Amounts reflect current dollars. A missing or broken line in a graph represents missing data or data not included.

RefineExplore Data

Total Institutional/Government Support and Student Fees

Combination of Institutional/Government Support and Student Fees.

Iowa State University
-16.20% (percent change in dollars) from 2017-2021
Kansas State University
-100.00% (percent change in dollars) from 2017-2021
North Dakota State University
-33.59% (percent change in dollars) from 2017-2021
Oklahoma State University
-93.13% (percent change in dollars) from 2017-2021
Texas Tech University
+102.63% (percent change in dollars) from 2017-2021
University of Kansas
-27.84% (percent change in dollars) from 2017-2021
West Virginia University
+187.81% (percent change in dollars) from 2017-2021
Amounts reflect current dollars.