Custom Reports

Select variables

Select variables throughout this section for reports and comparisons.

Choose athletics revenue total only or revenue categories as a portion of athletics revenue totals.
Choose athletics expense total only or expense categories as a portion of athletics expense totals.
Choose revenue or expense categories from athletics; or, expenses from football, athletics debt, or total academics spending (university-wide).
Where the money comes from (Athletics revenue)
Where the money goes
Academic Spending
Football Spending
Athletics Debt

Include Athletics Participation Information
Note: The number of athletes and teams for selected individual institutions in 2023 will be included. Aggregated information for conferences, quartiles and subdivisions are not available.

Options for Institutions

Select institutions for comparison through the search feature, or by NCAA subdivision, athletic conference, region or state, or Carnegie classification.

Select Institutions

Compare data with other Division I public institutions. In the next step, compare to other pre-defined groups, such as athletic conferences, NCAA subdivisions, or institutions grouped by spending levels.

Filters [i]
Institutions [i]
Selected Institutions


Pre-defined Comparison Groups

Select a subdivision, conference, and/or FBS spending quartile to identify finances of the groups. These data can be compared with individual institutions selected in the previous step.

NCAA Subdivision
FBS Spending Quartile
Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) Conference
Previously operated as FBS Athletic Conferences



Explore the years to compare data.

*See COVID Note on 2020 and 2021 data
